Monday, December 15, 2008

Do you know your Birth Flower!!

Have you checked out which flowers fall on your sign?
Do these flowers really symbolize your personality?
If these flowers do, pick your birth flower now and start growing your flower counterpart!

Aries: People who were born between the 21st of March until the 20th of April has Aries as their zodiac sign. These individuals are said to be very energetic, dynamic and confident. The flower that is being connected to them is Opuntia Cactus, red rose, red peppers, tulip and other thorny shrubs because they are known to be enthusiastic and adventurous.

Cancer: Birth flowers of people born between June 22 and April 18 are passion flower, cornflower, iris, hydrangea and other ferns that are believed to symbolize being protective, imaginative, sensitive and cautious.

Libra: is the zodiac of people born between September 23 and October 23. Birth flowers that are believed to symbolize the diplomatic personality of these people are Orinthogalum, gadiolus, tea roses, and cymbidium orchids.

Capricorn: Prudent and practical - these are traits associated with the goat sign. Individuals born between December 22 and January 20 are believed to have these traits. Their birth flower includes African violet, ivy, jasmine, holly, snowdrop, and kentia palm.

Taurus: Fruit bearing trees, lavender, aster, lily of the valley, scented stock, and sweat pea are flowers representing Taurus which is believed to symbolize being patient, reliable, home loving and practical.

Leo: From July 23 until August 23, people born during these dates are considered under the Leo sign. These people are believed to be dominant but warmhearted and creative. They have croton, marigold, dahlia, sunflower and gerbera as their birth flowers.

Scorpio: They say that people with a Scorpio sign are intense, passionate and compulsive. Birth flowers of these people like red hot poker, cactus, peony and anthurium are believed to signify determination.

Aquarius: The water bearer sign were born between January 21 and February 18. These people have bird of paradise, protea, aloe, arum lily and yucca as their birth flowers that symbolize honesty and independence.

Gemini: Under the Twins sign, flowers and plants like winter cherries, acacia, daffodil and cactus are known as the birth flowers. People who were born on these dates are known for their intellectual abilities and energetic ways.

Virgo: is under the Earth sign which is believed to be a sign for intelligence and modesty. Flowers that are presented with this sign are violet, eucalyptus, veronica, thistle and ivy.

Sagittarius: People born between November 23 and December 21 fall under the Sagittarius sign. Berried plants, foxtail lily, blazing star and carnation are the birth flowers of this sign which signify optimism and exploration.

Pisces From February 19 up to March 20, the birth flowers are jasmine, gypsophila, madonna lily and lilac which show that these people are kind, imaginative and sensitive.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

GooD LucK

Does little ever seem to go right for you?
Are you one of those people who are always suffering setbacks?

Do You sometimes feel that the universe is out to get you?

Luck is just the feel....
your luck is no worse—and no better—than anyone else’s. It just feels that way. Better, still, there are two simple things you can do which will reverse your feelings of being unlucky.

->Stop believing that what happens in your life is down to the vagaries of luck, destiny, supernatural forces, malevolent other people, or anything else outside your self.

-> Stop beliving in external locus of control(fatalism)where people believe that they can do little or nothing personally to change their lives.But in case of most successful people take the opposite view. They have “internal locus of control.” They believe that what happens in their life is nearly all down to them; and that even when chance events occur, what is important is not the event itself, but how you respond to it.

This makes them pro-active, engaged, ready to try new things, and keen to find the means to change whatever in their lives they don’t like. They aren’t fatalistic and they don’t blame bad luck for what isn’t right in their world. They look for a way to make things better.

Are they luckier than the others?
Of course not.
Luck is random—that’s what chance means—so they are just as likely to suffer setbacks as anyone else. What’s different is their response. When things go wrong, they quickly look for ways to put them right. They don’t whine, pity themselves, or complain about “bad luck.” They try to learn from what happened to avoid or correct it next time and get on with living their life as best they can.

No one is habitually luckier or unluckier than anyone else. It may seem so, over the short term. When you take a longer perspective, random chance is just . . . random. Yet those who feel that they are less lucky, typically pay far more attention to short-term instances of bad luck, convincing themselves of the correctness of their belief. Your locus of control isn’t genetic. You learned it somehow. If it isn’t working for you, change it.

Remember that whatever you pay attention to grows in your mind.
If you focus on what’s going wrong in your life—especially if you see it as “bad luck” you can do nothing about—it will seem blacker and more malevolent. In a short time, you’ll become so convinced that everything is against you that you’ll notice more and more instances where this appears to be true. As a result, you will almost certainly stop trying, convinced that nothing you can do will improve your prospects.

Your attention is under your control. Send it where you want it to go. Starve the negative thoughts until they die.

To improve your fortune, first decide that what happens is nearly always down to you, then try focusing on what works and what turns out well, not the bad stuff. Your “fate” really does depend on the choices that you make. When random events happen, as they always will, do you choose to try to turn them to your advantage . . . or just complain about them?

Your luck, in the end, is pretty much what you choose it to be.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Intution:Your life partner

Ever have that gut feeling about something - but just don't know what that message is or where it's coming from? Well that gut feeling is really your intuition. And just what is intuition? Think of intuition as a partner - someone who only wants to help you and guide you. The only problem with this partner is that it doesn't speak the same language as you. That is; it doesn't always spell things out for you and give you instructions in terms you'll understand.

In order to develop your intuition - you have to first understand it's language - and this is often the tricky part.

How Intuition Works - Understanding it's Language.

Intuition sends us messages in different forms all the time, everyday. Sometimes intuition can be that gut feeling that I just mentioned - when you know something - but just don't have anything to substantiate what you know. Intuition comes in many forms - like I said at the beginning - think of intuition as a partner trying to help you and guide you along the way - so that no harm comes to you.

Sometimes this partner will speak with a gut feeling,
Sometimes it will speak with words through another person,
Sometimes it will give you signals,
Sometimes it will simply try to stop you from doing something that isn't good for you.

We have to understand how it is speaking to us and when it is speaking to us. Let's go over some of the examples I just mentioned. I've gone over how intuition speaks with feeling. Sometimes it's a gut feeling - an overwhelming feeling that you should do something, avoid something or follow up on something. For Example sometimes when u have gut feeling to don't raise speed when somone overtaking your car. Your Gut feeling say to stay with your normal speed.Why ?? Just to avoid the accident.
Sometimes intuition will speak with words through someone else. For example: you may be thinking about buying a new home but you're not sure what area. The first person you speak to mentions a particular area, the next person you speak to mentions the same area and then a third person mentions the same area - then you're looking in the paper and you see an article praising the area that you're friends were telling you about. In this case your intuition is likely trying to get you to consider that area.
Sometimes intuition will try to give you signals - the article in the newspaper in the above example is a signal. Seeing things that correspond with what you are trying to find an answer to is a signal. Sometimes intuition will try to stop you from taking a certain course of action. You may want to buy a home in a certain area - but everything you find is not up to your standard or way out of your price range. Here you may be getting a signal to look in another area, be patient until you find the right place, or think about other options. You may be trying to get a certain job at a certain place - but there are no openings and nothing is coming up. Intuition may be telling you to look for other options and not pursue the job you are so set on.

In all cases - the message isn't always as clear as we would like it to be. The way intuition speaks to us isn't always easy to understand. But if you keep testing it and keep searching the answer will become clear. The feeling will be overwhelming. The signals will be repeated and clear. The messages from other people will be repeated over and over again. Then the message becomes clear. Sometimes you may not understand the message until years later. But it will all make sense at some point - and that point is when the time is right The common element in all of the situations that I just mentions is that in every case there was a question involved. If you want to find an answer to something and you will always get a response. You just have to understand the message. The first time you get the response - you may not understand it and it may not be clear. If you're not sure - don't do anything - wait until you get another message and see if it's along the same lines as the original message. The key is not to be fooled by your mind. Your mind is not your intuition - so don't think that when you ask for something you'll get an immediate answer from your mind - that's not an answer. That's just your mind playing tricks with you.

So how can we get our intuition to help us and how can we better understand the answer?

If you want to get guidance from your intuition first decide what it is you want - then ask for an answer. For example: you want to buy a new home - say I want to buy a new home and I want to know what area I should buy in. What area should I buy my home in? Where should I buy my new home? Keep repeating the question. Then tell yourself that you have the answer - say I know where to buy my new home. Then let go. Don't expect an answer immediately. If you get one in your mind - it's not the answer - it's just your mind and ego playing tricks with you. Let go. Forget about it. The next step is often the most difficult - trust that the answer will come at the right time. As human beings we like to take control of things - we like to know what is going to happen and we want to make things happen. But sometimes you can't - sometimes you just have to be patient and wait for the answer - trusting that it will come at exactly the right time. When it does come - you'll know and you'll follow through. You can do the above exercise for anything you want or for any answer you are seeking. In time you will get the answer - but it will be at the right time - and not on your time.
Another thing that you can do to develop your intuition is to meditate and stay positive. By meditating you calm your mind and by staying positive you become more positive and understand that you will get the answer.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why Beauty Matters

Feeling beautiful, I've found, has very little to do with the reflection in the mirror, and everything to do with the inner landscape. In my work, I've seen with countless stunning women who can neither see nor accept their beauty. I've also spoken with size four women who aren't comfortable wearing a bathing suit in public; who bemoan their hips, butt, or thighs. Conversely, I know women who are at the heaviest they've ever been, and yet go swimming and clothes shopping with ease.
I'll save answering why some women are at home in their bodies, and some chastise every flaw, for another day. I think a more interesting question is why beauty matters at all. Why should we care what we look like? Why does feeling beautiful matter so much to women?
The two aspects of beauty

Beauty is tricky, because it does, and doesn't matter. No, in the grand scheme of things, our appearance isn't important. On our deathbeds, we won't lament the time we spent dieting or berating ourselves for being a size 10. We are ultimately spiritual beings; our true essence is not our physical self. Our beauty will change, and fade; our spirit, by contrast, grows and evolves.
Yet we are not only spirit; we are also human. And our humanity brings all the challenges and blessings of living in a physical universe. Our bodies are a gift: the vehicle for experiencing the world through our senses. Our beauty is also a gift, something to be honored and appreciated and used, just as we honor, appreciate, and use our other earthly talents. For everything, there is a season. There is a season to relish your beauty, a season to enjoy your body, and that time is now.

Overfocusing on the body
The key to understanding beauty is to accept both aspects of ourselves, body and spirit. Each has its place. We become unbalanced and suffer pain when we lean too strongly towards one or the other. When we're too focused on our physical selves, we become rigid, perfectionistic, holding our bodies to impossible standards. We bemoan the onset of wrinkles, cellulite, gray hairs; we denigrate any wiggle or jiggle. We live for someday ("I'll take that dancing class when I lose fifteen pounds") and worship our youthful past. We white knuckle our sensuality, shame our natural human desire for sexual pleasure, satiating food, and physical comfort.
Even worse is when we hate our bodies for unconforming to our impossible expectations. We think that somehow we can love ourselves while hating our bodies. But this is impossible. How you feel about your physical self influences your feelings about every part of you. Your physical body is in the house in which the rest of you---your spirit, mind, and emotions---resides. Hating the vessel pollutes every part. If you loathe your body, you loathe yourself.
This is slavery to beauty; being in bondage. Bondage is when your self worth, how you feel about yourself as a person, is defined by your appearance. Your physical self will fluctuate. Some days, you'll look smashing. Some days, you won't. This is where your spirit comes in. If you appreciate your spirit, your being-ness, then you can accept the changes in your humanity without fear, knowing that wrinkles and cellulite don't change who you are.

Overfocusing on the spirit
However, this doesn't mean we should ignore our bodies' needs. Sometimes we feel guilty for caring about our appearance at all, especially women who are focused on their spirituality. We feel unholy for wearing make-up or desiring pretty clothes. We feel egoic because we feel better when we look better. When we take time for a massage or a pedicure, we feel like we're indulging in something slightly sinful. This is shame talking; not your spirit. Shame is simply another form of slavery; another form of bondage.
Focusing solely on the spirit, and ignoring the body's needs for rest, proper nutrition, exercise, and, yes, beauty, is just as harmful as overfocusing on the body. Devalueing your body is as painful as overvalueing your body (vanity): they are opposite sides of the same coin.
It's human and natural to have a need for beauty, just as it's human and natural to have a need for rest, solitude, and peace. It's normal to want to feel pretty; to enjoy a new outfit; to pamper your body so that it can look its best. It's okay to indulge the body.

Balancing body and spirit
But how do we acknowledge our need for beauty without become trapped by vanity? How do we navigate a world that defines beauty in narrow terms? How do we balance our humanity with our spirituality?
The answer is twofold: self love, and self care. It takes both. Self care is what motivates you to exercise, eat food that makes you feel good, and rest when you're tired. It's also what inspires you to find a dress that makes you feel sexy, style your hair, and paint your toes lavender. Self care is treating yourself to a yoga class, silk sheets, and a makeover. Self love, by contrast, is what enables you to completely and deeply love and accept yourself at all times, when your toes aren't painted; when you're grungy and sweaty or camping in the woods. Self love is accepting the loss of your beauty with grace and levity. Self love is embracing the abundance of the universe, letting other women feel beautiful, too.
Combining self love with self care is treating your body as well as, but not more importantly as, your spirit. It's embracing your humanity and your spirituality with equal measure. It's letting your inner beauty match your outer beauty, and apologizing for neither. It's expanding your definition of beauty to include you at your best, your worst, and everywhere in between.
It is, in a word, freedom.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Resonating Energy

We are all a tiny force in this universe, do you accept that? Every day all around this world each and every individual generate or release a small amount of energy. It may be a good or not, no one knows what kind of energy its. It depends on the action and thinking. Let us all try to bring the positive energy, force to a particular object to make momentum. By helping each other cause and effect knowingly to resonate and evolve. The object can be any shape, think like a round shape ex: sun. Let get together the positive energy to make it powerful and radiating. This is like the group effect can make miracle. Example : Moving a heavy solid object is difficult for a person, samething is easy for group. Send your positive energy daily to this object named "Resonating Energy", whoever interested to do so. The energy will be a positive wishes, blessings, affirmations etc. Our energy force always speaks the positiveness, to be with positive atmosphere. Every click to the site generates the positive vibes.

Types of Dream......

Studies show that we all have the tendency to daydream an average of 70-120 minutes a day. Day dreaming is classified as a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. It occurs during our waking hours when we let our imagination carry us away. As our minds begin to wander and our level of awareness decreases, we lose ourselves in our imagined scenario and fantasy.
Lucid Dreams
Lucid dreams occurs when you realize you are dreaming. "Wait a second. This is only a dream!" Most dreamers wake themselves up once they realize that they are only dreaming. Other dreamers have cultivated the skill to remain in the lucid state of dreaming. They become an active participant in their own dreams, making decisions in their dreams and influencing the dream's outcome without awakening.

A nightmare is a disturbing dream that causes the dreamer to wake up feeling anxious and frightened. Nightmares may be a response to real life trauma and situations. These type of nightmares fall under a special category called Post-traumatic Stress Nightmare (PSN). Nightmares may also occur because we have ignored or refused to accept a particular life situation. Research shows that most people who have regular nightmares have had a family history of psychiatric problems, bad drug experiences, people who have contemplated suicide, and/or rocky relationships. Nightmares are an indication of a fear that needs to be acknowledged and confronted. It is a way for our subconscious to make up take notice. "Pay attention!"
Recurring Dreams
Recurring dreams repeat themselves with little variation in story or theme. These dreams may be positive, but most often they are nightmarish in content. Dreams may recur because a conflict depicted in the dream remains unresolved or ignored. Once you have found a resolution to the problem, your recurring dreams will cease. for a more in depth look of recurring dreams..
Healing Dreams
Healing dreams serve as messages for the dreamer in regards to their health. Many dream experts believe that dreams can help us avoid potential health problems and help us to heal when we are ill. Our bodies are able to communicate to us through our dreams to "tell" us that something is not quite right with our bodies even before any physical symptoms show up. Dreams of this nature may be telling the dreamer that he/she needs to go to the dentist or doctor.
Prophetic Dream
Prophetic dreams, also referred to as precognitive or psychic dreams, are dreams that seemingly foretell the future. One rational theory to explain this phenomenon is that our dreaming mind is able to piece together bits of information and observation that we normally overlook or that we do not seriously consider. In other words, our unconscious mind knows what is coming before we consciously piece together the same information.
Signal Dream
Signal dreams help you how to solve problems or make decisions in your waking life.
Epic Dreams
Epic dreams (also known as Great Dreams or Cosmic Dreams) are so huge, so compelling, and so vivid that you cannot ignore them. The details of such dreams remain with you for years, as if your dreamt it last night. These dreams possess much beauty and contain many archetypal symbology. When you wake up from such a dream, you feel that you have discovered something profound or amazing about yourself or about the world. It feels like a life-changing experience

Sunday, June 1, 2008

30 Days to Success......

This 30-day method seems to work best for daily habits. I’ve had no luck using it when trying to start a habit that only occurs 3-4 days per week. However, it can work well if you apply it daily for the first 30 days and then cut back thereafter. This is what I’d do when starting a new exercise program, for example. Daily habits are much easier to establish.

Give up TV. Tape all your favorite shows and save them until the end of the trial. My whole family did this once, and it was very enlightening.

Give up online forums, especially if you feel you’re becoming forum addicted. This will help break the addiction and give you a clearer sense of how participation actually benefits you (if at all). You can always catch up at the end of 30 days.

Shower/bathe/shave every day. I know YOU don’t need this one, so please pass it along to someone who does.

Meet someone new every day. Start up a conversation with a stranger.
Go out every evening. Go somewhere different each time, and do something fun — this will be a memorable month.

Spend 30 minutes cleaning up and organizing your home or office every day. That’s 15 hours total.

List something new to sell on ebay every day. Purge some of that clutter.

Ask someone new out on a date every day. Unless your success rate is below 3%, you’ll get at least one new date, maybe even meet your future spouse.

If you’re already in a relationship, give your partner a massage every day. Or offer to alternate who gives the massage each day, so that’s 15 massages each.

Give up cigarettes, soda, junk food, coffee, or other unhealthy addictions.

Become an early riser.

Write in your journal every day.

Call a different family member, friend, or business contact every day.

Write a new blog entry every day.

Read for an hour a day on a subject that interests you.

Meditate every day.

Learn a new vocabulary word every day.

Go for a long walk every day.

Again, don’t think that you need to continue any of these habits beyond 30 days. Think of the benefits you’ll gain from those 30 days alone. You can re-assess after the trial period. You’re certain to grow just from the experience, even if it’s temporary.
The power of this approach lies in its simplicity. Even though doing a certain activity every single day may be less efficient than following a more complicated schedule — weight training is a good example because adequate rest is a key component — you’ll often be more likely to stick with the daily habit. When you commit to doing something every single day without exception, you can’t rationalize or justify missing a day, nor can you promise to make it up later by reshuffling your schedule.
